Sunday November 17, celebration of the eighth World Day of the Poor
Giornata mondiale dei poveri
The eighth World Day of the Poor will be celebrated on Sunday, November 17, 2024. The initiative, marked for the first time in 2017, was instituted by Pope Francis to encourage the Church to "go out" of its own walls to encounter poverty in its manifold forms in today's world.
This year, ahead of the opening of the Jubilee Year of 2025, the Holy Father has chosen as his motto the passage from the Book of Sirach: "The prayer of the poor rises up to God" (cf. Sir 21:5). This expression, which comes from the ancient sacred author Ben Sira, becomes especially relevant in the context of the current world situation. The Pope reiterates that the poor have a privileged place in the heart of God, who is attentive and close to each of them. God listens to the prayers of the poor and, when faced with suffering, becomes “impatient” until he has granted them justice. In fact, the Book of Sirach further states that, “God’s judgment will be in favour of the poor” (cf. 21:5).
Pope Francis will preside over a Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica at 10am on November 17. Before the Mass, the Holy Father will symbolically bless 13 keys, which represent the 13 countries in which the Vincentian-run project, Famvin Homeless Alliance’s “13 Houses” project for the Jubilee, will build new homes for the disadvantaged. Among these countries is Syria, where the 13 houses will be financed directly by the Holy See as a gesture of charity for the Holy Year. This act of solidarity was made possible thanks to a generous donation by UnipolSai, which was keen to mark the Holy Year with this contribution to this sign of hope in a land still tormented by war. Afterwards, in the Paul VI Audience Hall, the Holy Father will have lunch with 1,300 poor people. The lunch, organized by the Dicastery for the Service of Charity, will be offered this year by the Italian Red Cross and will be accompanied by their National Fanfare musicians. At the end of the lunch, each person will be given a backpack donated by the Vincentian Fathers (Congregation of the Mission), containing food and personal hygiene products.
The Madre di Misericordia Clinic, a facility connected to the Dicastery for the Service of Charity which offers free daily healthcare to the poor and needy, will remain open continuously from 8am to 5pm during the week 11-16 November. A medical and internal medicine emergency service, flu shots, and blood tests will be available, and wound dressings will be carried out every day. All services are free and targeted at those facing situations of poverty, marginalization or difficulty. Medicines and therapies will also be provided. Doctors from 18 different specialties will be on hand for consultations
in areas such as cardiology, orthopaedics, ophthalmology, general surgery, rheumatology, dermatology, dentistry, gynaecology, pulmonology, otorhinolaryngology, oncology, ultrasound, urology, psychiatry, neurology, infectious diseases, gastroenterology, nephrology and podiatry.
The Dicastery for Evangelization will support the neediest with various charitable initiatives, including the payment of bills for less well-off families through a link-up with local parishes. This initiative is also made possible through the generosity of UnipolSai. The week before the Papal Mass, all parish and diocesan communities will be asked to focus their pastoral activity on the needs of the poor in their neighborhood through concrete initiatives.
The Dicastery for Evangelization has also prepared a Pastoral Guide, translated into six languages, so that, in the words of Archbishop Rino Fisichella, “the World Day of the Poor may constantly encourage our communities to be attentive and welcoming towards those who are in greatest need.” He continued: “On this journey towards the Jubilee of 2025, may care for those most in need make all of us ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ in a world which cries out for the presence of the Light.” This Pastoral Guide for the preparation of the World Day is available free of charge on the website at:
In his Message for the event, Pope Francis invites everyone to learn to pray for the poor and to pray together with them, with humility and trust. The World Day of the Poor is an opportunity to become aware of the presence of the poor in our cities and communities and to understand their needs. As always, the Pope also refers to the “new poor,” affected by the violence of wars, and “bad politics with weapons” (n. 4), which causes so many innocent victims.
Let us not forget the volunteers who, in our cities, dedicate so much of their time to listening to and supporting the poorest. With their example they “give voice to God’s answer to the prayers of those who turn to Him” (n.7). The World Day of the Poor is also an opportunity to remember each of them and thank the Lord for their service.
Pope Francis' Message for the World Day of the Poor 2024 is available on the official website, in various languages, at:
From Wednesday, November 13, it will be possible to collect free tickets for the Papal Mass, subject to availability, at the Official Info Point of the Jubilee, located in Via della Conciliazione 7.